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Business Model

Our business model : 20% on a package basis and 80% on success

Helping entrepreneurs to create long-term value

Because it has different specific needs of a Manager, an Entrepreneur, shareholder of his Company:

  • lacks of someone to discuss his expectations and is not interested  in using consulting firms
  • has a great experience in his field but may lack experience in critical areas  to protect, to optimize, to finance, to develop, itself
  • and wonders:
    • How much could your services cost me?
    • What happens if the value you helped create is not quantifiable?
    • What happens if I recognize and measure the value created but cannot afford to reward you now?

An original model

bullet-1  The preparation and valuation package is defined with the entrepreneur, according to the number of meetings and the intensity of the preparation tasks required.

bullet-2  The amount of the intervention fees is negotiated with our customer according to the value created and the criteria of success in the context of a mission with an expert at interim

bullet-3  The remuneration of the mandate generally comprises of 2 parts:

  • A retainer which is a lump sum remuneration binding the entrepeneur, which ensures the reciprocity of mutual commitments and seals the agreement of the parties.
  • A success fee, which is a compensation linked to the value created by our contribution.